What is the TechLink TRAX Study analyzing?
The TechLink TRAX Study built on previous studies and plans, including UTA’s 2020 Future of Light Rail Study. Based on these efforts and their recommendations, the TechLink Study analyzed potential TRAX improvements including
- Realignment of the Red Line through the Granary District
- A new Orange Line, connecting Salt Lake City International Airport directly to the University of Utah, with a new spur going into Research Park
Why is it called the TechLink TRAX Study?
The TechLink name was chosen to represent the direct link between two of Salt Lake City's most forward-thinking, innovative, and evolving locations: Research Park and the Granary District.
How does the TechLink TRAX Study compare to the Future of Light Rail Study?
The TechLink TRAX Study built on previous studies and plans, including UTA’s 2020 Future of Light Rail Study. It took a closer look at the Future of Light Rail Study recommendations and make recommendations on details like stop locations and operational details.
What is a PEL study?
PEL stands for Planning and Environmental Linkages. This process can be used to discover transportation needs, identify potential solutions and prioritize project elements for implementation. Typically, a PEL process links planning to environmental issues and results in useful information that can be carried forward into the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process, which would be required to take place before construction.
Who is funding the TechLink TRAX Study?
UTA received federal funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation via its annual Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grants.
What kind of community input is needed to inform the TechLink TRAX Study?
Community feedback is an important part of the TechLink TRAX Study process. At different times throughout the study, the public was asked to help the team understand how they use transit today; what transit improvements would make the experience better; where transit stops are needed; how transit trips could be more accessible, reliable and comfortable; etc.
How will community input be used?
During each phase of the process, the public was asked specific questions to help inform the next phase and the final recommendations of the study.
When will the TechLink TRAX Study team release final recommendations?
The study ended in late 2024 and the final report is now available for public review.
Is the Granary District Area Plan part of the TechLink TRAX Study?
While certainly related, the Granary District Area Plan was a separate effort, being conducted concurrently by Salt Lake City. The Granary District Area Plan was a mobility study, looking to improve local transportation for people who walk, bike and roll in and around the neighborhood.
When will TechLink TRAX Study recommendations be implemented?
The environmental and construction phases are not yet funded. The study partner agencies will continue to work together to identify funding opportunities in the future.
Are station locations final? Could the number of stations change?
Yes, the proposed stations (including number and location) are subject to change based on stakeholder and community feedback, environmental analysis, and other factors.
What is the non-revenue connector for?
The non-revenue connector would be used to provide an alternate route in the event of a blockage on another portion of the TRAX system which will enhance system resiliency. It would not be used for everyday TRAX service.
UTA studies and projects are guided by the WFRC Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). The RTP is a regional long-term strategy for guiding and investing in transportation improvements based on available and projected future funding. The Rio Grande Plan is not currently a part of Wasatch Front Regional Council's RTP and therefore not currently being considered as part of the scope of this study.
Does the TechLink TRAX Study consider the Rio Grande Plan?